The Telangana unit of BJP sought the intervention of Governor CP Radhakrishnan and demanded a CBI probe into the telephone tapping scandal racking the state. A 9-member BJP leaders team led by BJP MP and party OBC Morcha national president Dr K Laxman, MLC AVN Reddy and former MLC N Ramachandra Rao met the Governor at Raj Bhavan on Saturday and submitted a memorandum, seeking his intervention.
Later, addressing the media, Dr Laxman said that the Governor was apprised of the details coming out from the ongoing investigation into the telephone tapping scandal. Though the police officials were being arrested, he said that the BRS leaders and former Chief Minister were allegedly behind the designing of the conspiracy.
He said that tapping the phones of the opposition leaders for political gain and businessmen for extortion and besides, some film persons shocked the country. In particular, the way the police were allegedly used to distribute money during elections and to tap of phones of the opposition parties falls under the preview of the Election Commission of India.
Against this backdrop, the BJP leaders sought the Governor to seek a report from the State to apprise the Union Home Ministery, since the matter in question falls under the concurrent jurisdiction of both the governments and in the ambit of the Election Commission.
Also, it warrants a thorough CBI probe, he added. Dr Laxman said that the nature of the allegations the sequence of events and the reports that are in the public domain warrant the Governor’s intervention since the matter threatens the safety of the nation and the privacy of its citizens. It is a case where the state has facilitated brazen extortion.