The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday announced the appointment of election in-charges in the states. Prahlad Joshi has been given the responsibility of Rajasthan, Om Prakash Mathur to Chhattisgarh, Bhupendra Yadav to Madhya Pradesh and Prakash Javadekar to Telangana.
The BJP with an eye on Lok Sabha elections in 2024 made some organisational changes and appointed four new state chiefs for Telangana, Punjab, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh.
For Rajasthan Prahlad Joshi has been appointed as the election in-charge; Former Gujarat deputy chief minister Nitin Patel, and Kuldeep Bishnoi from Haryana are the co-election in-charge co-election in-charge.
In Chhattisgarh, Om Prakash Mathur is the state election in charge and Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya is the co-in-charge. In Madhya Pradesh, Bhupendra Yadav has been made the state election in-charge and Union minister Ashwini Vaishnaw is the co-in-charge.
And Former Union minister Prakash Javadekar has been given the responsibility of Telangana and Sunil Bansal is the co-in-charge there. The BJP is also in the process to appoint new office bearers of the Delhi BJP and the names are likely to be announced by the end of this month.
While Sunil Jakhar gets the responsibility of Punjab, Babulal Marandi will be looking after the Jharkhand unit. G Kishan Reddy has been made the BJP state chief of Telangana. Daggubati Purandeswari will be new Andhra Pradesh BJP chief.