Ahead of the upcoming assembly elections, Telugu Desam Party (TDP) chief Chandrababu Naidu and Janasena president Pawan Kalyan jointly released the first list of 99 candidates on Friday. The TDP announced 94 candidates while Janasena announced 5 candidates.
As per the alliance agreement, Pawan Kalyan led Janasena is set to contest in 24 assembly seats and three Parliamentary seats in Andhra Pradaesh. Speaking at a press conference in Undavalli, Naidu emphasized the strong partnership between TDP and Janasena. He stated that Janasena’s participation strengthens their coalition and expresses confidence in their combined performance.
Interestingly, Pawan Kalyan hinted at the possibility of a broader alliance by stating that the seat allocation was done “keeping BJP in mind.” This suggests that negotiations for a tripartite alliance between TDP, Janasena, and BJP are ongoing, potentially impacting the remaining seats and the overall electoral landscape.
Naidu and Pawan Kalyan made it clear that they are waiting for BJP to be on board and the names had been finalised with a view to accommodate the saffron party. Pawan Kalyan emphasised on vote transfer for the victory of the alliance. Naidu said that they have decided to work with like-minded parties for the future of the state and its people.
“I have never done so much exercise to shortlist candidates,” said Naidu, referring to TDP’s list. The leaders said that rest of the candidates will also be announced in due course of time.
Chandrababu Naidu is contesting from Kuppam assembly segment in Chittoor district. On the other hand, Janasena has released only the names of five candidates out of 24 candidates. The remaining list of candidates will be announced later, Pawan Kalyan said.