Union Minister of Home Amit Shah warned people of Telangana that a congress MLA is like a Chinese product without guarantee, who may at any time join the BRS. In the year 2014, he recalled that seven Congress MLAs joined the TRS. In 2015, 34 Congress MLCs joined the BRS and in 2018, 12 MLAS joined BRS.”
Addressing massive rallies at Makthal, Mulug and Bhongir in poll-bound Telangana on Sunday, he said that the upcoming election is not merely about electing a candidate. It is an election that will decide the future of Telangana, he added.
He cautioned that iIf you vote for the congress then their MLAs will join KCR. He alleged that Congress party and the BRS have entered into a deal. As per the deal, he said that the Congress will help the BRS in making KCR the chief minister and BRS will make Rahul Gandhi the prime minister in return. “If you want to remove KCR then you have only one option and that is forming a BJP government under the leadership of ModiJi”, he asserted.
He alleged that KCR and his ministers have engaged in immeasurable corruption and said that land grabbing and many other activities have been carried out by the elected representatives here.
“KCR has done nothing. Rather their MLAs are involved in the illegal mining of black earth and sand. This is a region of the weavers KCR did nothing for them”, he said.
Amit Shah promised that they will build a textile park in Narayanpet and will promote the weavers. He recalled that Modi government formed a ministry for the fishermen but KCR introduced no scheme for them. BJP government will form a Rs.1000 crore pool for their progress, he added.
He said, “We have decided that we will make a leader from the backward class the chief minister of Telangana. We have decided that we will give the Madiga community vertical quota as the SC caste. We also have decided to give four gas cylinders to poor women free of cost every year. We also have decided to celebrate Hyderabad Liberation Day on 17th September every year as a state festival.”
He pointed out that the BRS fears Owaisi. It has the car as its election symbol but the steering of its car is with the Owaisis. The BJP has decided to end the 4% Muslim reservation and give it to the SCs, STs and OBCs.