Arun Jaitley National Institute Of Financial Management (AJ-NIFM) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) here today for promoting exchange and cooperation in the area of academics and strengthening the professional competence of Civil and Defence Officers and other participants pursuing their post graduate programme at AJNIFM.
The MoU was signed by Prof. Santishree D. Pandit, Vice-Chancellor, JNU and Prabhat R. Acharya, Director, AJ-NIFM in the presence of senior Professors of both the institutions at JNU Campus, New Delhi.
This MoU will facilitate and lead to the following outcomes:
- Award of MBA Degree in Finance and MBA Degree in Financial Management by JNU to experienced candidates from Government including Defence Services and other participants as well as fresh graduates who participate in the full time two year post graduate programmes of the AJ-NIFM;
- Exchange of best practices in the area of education, training and development; and any other exchanges and cooperative activities that may be jointly decided to further the objectives of this MoU;
- Exchange of faculties in the area of mutual interest.
Both the parties will hold periodical consultations as deemed necessary for implementing this MoU and they will draw up the procedures, plans, and recommend programmes of cooperation with a view to achieve the objectives of the MoU.
Speaking about the MoU, Prabhat Ranjan Acharya said, “The MoU with JNU will establish a framework for cooperative institutional relations by encouraging and strengthening the academic, professional as well as technical competence of participants of AJNIFM programmes through knowledge and experience sharing and adopting the best practices.”