In accordance with the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY), a milestone of 5 crore hospital admissions totalling US$ 7.47 billion (Rs. 61,501 crore) was reached. The National Health Authority’s (NHA) flagship programme offers 12 crore eligible families a health benefit of US$ 6,100 (Rs. 5 lakh) per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalisation.
AB PM-JAY was introduced with the goal of achieving universal health coverage, according to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NHA. In its fifth year of operation, the programme is assisting millions of participants from poor and vulnerable households by lowering out-of-pocket costs for medical care. In the current year, PM-JAY has accomplished significant milestones, all because of consistent efforts.
The year 2022-23 has been full of achievements for the scheme, from issuing 9.28 crore Ayushman Cards to scheme beneficiaries to reaching 100% allocated fund utilisation and authorising 1.65 crore hospital admissions.
Except for Delhi, Odisha, and West Bengal, AB PM-JAY is being implemented in 33 States and Union Territories (UTs). About 23.39 crore beneficiaries have been verified and issued Ayushman Cards for availing free treatment under the scheme.
There are 28,351 hospitals in the PM-JAY empanelled hospital network nationwide, including 12,824 private hospitals. In the year 2022-23, private hospitals authorised about 56% of the total admissions (by amount), whereas public hospitals authorised 44% of all admissions.
The recipients of the AB PM-JAY programme have access to care for 1,949 procedures across 27 different specialities. The main tertiary care specialities where beneficiaries have received care to date are urology (kidney-related conditions), emergency care, orthopaedics, and medical oncology (cancer therapy).
Additionally, the programme makes an effort to achieve gender equity in access to high-quality medical treatment. Due to favourable rules, over 48% of all authorised hospital admissions under the AB PM-JAY scheme have been taken up by women, while almost 49% of Ayushman Card recipients are women. Also, under PM-JAY, women are the only ones who receive over 141 medical procedures.