The Opposition INDIA bloc on Tuesday gave notice to move a no-confidence motion against Rajya Sabha Chairman Dhankhar. The resolution was signed by 71 MPs, as per sources. Signed by all INDIA bloc parties which include Trinamool and Samajwadi Party as well.
These two parties apparently have been keeping a distance from the Congress on the Adani issue and have not been participating in the protest in the Parliament premises. However, technically it’s not possible for the motion to get approved in this session as it requires 14-day notice and the winter session has only 8 days left to conclude.
Dhankhar has been constantly reprimanding the Opposition Bloc leaders for their conduct in the Rajya Sabha and not allowing the House to function with continuous disruptions.
Meanwhile, several Opposition MPs on Tuesday demonstrated over the Adani issue in Parliament premises, carrying black ‘jholas’ (bags) with caricatures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and billionaire Gautam Adani printed on them and ‘Modi Adani Bhai Bhai’ written on the obverse side. This is the latest in the series of unusual protests led by the Congress daily ahead of the sitting of Parliament in the morning.
Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi, Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, MPs from the Congress, DMK, JMM, Left, among others, protested in front of the Makar Dwar steps. They were carrying black ‘jholas’ with caricatures of Modi and Adani printed on one side and ‘Modi Adani Bhai Bhai’ written on the obverse side of the bag.
They raised slogans against alleged collusion between Modi and Adani and demanded a Joint Parliamentary Committee probe into the matter.