Bhagavad Gita is not a book that details performing puja and other rituals, but it reflects every aspect of our daily life, said prominent writer and spiritual speaker Dr. Ananta Lakshmi. Speaking as Chief Guest at `Sampurna Bhagavad Gita Parayana Yagnam – 2021′, organised by Sanskrutha Bharati, Telangana Unity at Shilpa Kala Vedika, on the eve of Gita Jayanthi, she said Lord Krishna did not narrated Gita simply to persuade Arjuna to wage war. Moreover, she said it was intended to lighten the light of knowledge among all Indians and push out the darkness of ignorance.
She said that presently more than in India, Gita is being taught to children in other countries and researchers are going on to discover hidden knowledge in it. It is a pity that in India, the birth place of Gita, we are celebrating Gita Jayanti only to encourage citation of Gita, she added.
Recalling that there are 700 slokas in Gita, she said even learning one sloka will make human life noble. South waves from Gita reading will awaken our inner knowledge, she added. “If we are able to understand their meaning, we can lead successful lives in any field”, she asserted.
She further said that Gita makes us understand what type of foods to eat, how to behave with others, how to handle various issues, how to control our emotions, how far we can use our strengths and where we have to go back. It touches every aspect like our daily food habits, personality development, mantra for success and our tasks to be handled.
Gita yagnam awakened Hindus
RSS South- Central Kshetra Seva Pramukh Ekka Chandrasekhar said that right from Adi Sankaracharya, several seers attempt to provide the Gita message to us. He recalled that Swami Chinmayananda had initiated a great task by awakening Hindus through Gita Ygnams. Swamiji started first such Gita Yagna in Pune with four people and continued it for the next 50 years throughout the world, he added.
Stating that Swamiji efforts helped to bring spiritual awakening in the country, he said that in his Sandipani Ashram in Mumbai Viswa Hindu Parishad was established. Under this banner, all Sadhus and Saints took pledge to preserve and protect Hindu Dharma. This awakening led to establishment of Ram temple in Ayodhya, he said.
He recalled that long ago Swami Ramateerth predicted India will gain independence in 50 years and later after 50 years glorious period of Sanatana Dharma will begin. This was also visualized by Swami Vivekananda and now their preaches are realizing, he said.
Chandrasekhar appreciated Sankritha Bharathi’s efforts to make common man converse in Sanskrit language and recalled that this movement was started by Krishna Sastri. He felt happy to note that presently over 1 crore people are conversing in their daily life in Sanskrit.
Sanskruth Bharathi, Telangana president Narnendra Kapre president.
Prominent writer Jonnavittula Ramalingeswara Rao and retired IAS N Muktheswara Rao also spoke.