A special court in Mumbai on Monday sent Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut, arrested in connection with a money laundering case, to the Enforcement Directorate’s custody till August 4. Though the ED had sought his remand for eight days, Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court judge M.G. Deshpande granted only four-days custody.
The Sena MP was allowed homemade food and medicine in the ED custody. He was also allowed to meet his lawyers between 8.30 am and 9.30 am. Raut was arrested on Sunday midnight after the ED conducted a day-long raid at his residence and questioned him for hours at the agency’s zonal office.
The case is related to the alleged financial irregularities in the redevelopment of a ‘chawl’ in Mumbai and related financial property transactions involving his wife and alleged associates. On Monday afternoon, he was produced at the special PMLA court where the agency, represented by special public prosecutor Hiten Venegaonkar, argued that Raut and his family were direct beneficiaries of the proceeds of crime.
Senior advocate Ashok Mundargi, appearing for Raut, submitted that the allegations are vague and raised due to political vendetta.
After hearing both the sides, the court observed that the custody of the accused is necessary for the probe. “In view of the investigation so far and the facts found therein, I have come to the conclusion that the custody of the accused is necessary. But I do not agree to give 8 days’ custody. Hence the accused is given 4 days of ED custody,” the court said.